
Sunday, 18 April 2010

Temporary Science and Society Ning placeholder

News that Gillian P's lovely Ning network for Science and Society will be closing down (because Ning's wiped its free networks for now) made me worry that we might lose the important resource she's collected of science communication-ish organisations, so I've copied the html for the page and pasted it here - not sure how it will turn out (I've clipped the header tags etc). I've not deleted any of the spaces yet...


Science and Society Directory


Research units:

The Institute for Science in Society - at Nottingham University

The Science Policy Research Unit - at Sussex University

Science Communication Unit - at the University of the West of England.

The Evidence for Policy in Practice Coordinating Centre - runs an Evidence Library and an MSc in Evidence for Public Policy and Practice.


Birkbeck University of London - offers a diploma in Science Communication

The University of Bath - does an MSc in Science, Culture and Communication

Cardiff University - runs a relatively new course in Science, Media and Communication

In addition, The University of Glamorgan runs an established course in Communicating Science and also Science Shops that undertake communication activities in local communities.

Dublin City University - also offers an MSc in Science Communication.

Imperial College London - runs a Science Communication Group and offers taught courses in Science Communication and Science Media Production.

The University of Manchester MSc in History of Science, Technology and Medicine includes two units focused on science communication.

University College London offers relevant courses in its Department for Science and Technology Studies

University of Chester has a Centre for Science Communication offering an MSc, postgraduate diplomas and a postgraduate certificate in Science Communiction.

University of the West of England - runs a MSc and also offers a five day masterclass in science commuication.


The American Association for the Advancement of Science produces, among other things, Science Magazine, and Science Update Radio.

The Association of British Science Writers helps those who write about science and technology, and aims to improve the standard of science journalism in the UK. They also list a number of science journalism competitions on the website.

The British Science Association s the well-known organisation responsible for events such as National Science and Engineering Week and the annual British Science Festival.

The British Neuroscience Association runs a science writing prize. The National Brain-Science Writing Prize. Winners have their articles published in the BNA Bulletin.

The BBC - Specialist Factual and Science and Nature are the two main departments of the BBC that produce the science-based programmes and web content with which we are all familiar.

BBC Focus, the Sky at Night and Wildlife Magazines are some of the many Origin Publishing magazines produced under the BBC banner.

The Daily Telegraph also runs a science writing prize - winners gain £1000, a work placement at the Telegraph and have their articles printed in the paper.

Nature Publishing Group produces a wide range of journals as well as a number of web-based resources.

New Scientist Magazine should need no introduction.

The Beacons for Public Engagement are a number of RCUK, HEFCE and Wellcome - funded collaborative groups, comprised of university departments, museums, and voluntary science communication initiatives, that actively communicate science in the UK regions.

Pulse Project is a science communication site, which offers all its videos for free and has guest bloggers in the field.

ScienceBase is a Science News site produced by science writer David Bradley

The Science Media Centre is an independent press centre working to improve the accuracy of science stories produced by the national media.

Sense About Science promotes good science and evidence for the public.



Higher Education Funding Council for England and Higher Education Funding Council for Wales distribute public money for teaching and research to universities and colleges in their respective regions.

The UK Research Councils (RCUK) office, is the collective centre for seven bodies: The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the relatively new Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).


There are a number of relevant Government departments, agencies and quangoes and Parliamentary bodies and organisations:

Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International (CABI) is a not-for-profit, intergovernmental organisation that applies scientific solutions to environmental and agricultural problems.

Council for Science and Technology is a Government advisory body for science policy issues.


The learned societies are listed below in alphabetical order:

Academy of Medical Sciences Academy of Social Sciences Agricultural Economics Society Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Association of Applied Biologists Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry

Association of Clinical Biochemistry

Association of Clinical Pathologists

Association of Independent Research and Technology Organisations Association of Marine Scientific Industries

Association of Medical Research Charities

Biochemical Society

Biosciences Federation

Botanical Society of the British Isles

Bristol Naturalists Society

British Academy

British Association for Psychopharmacology

British Computer Society

British Crop Protection Council

British Dental Association

British Ecological Society

British Entomological and Natural History Society

British Grassland Society

British Herpetological Society

British Interplanetary Society

British Medical Ultrasound Society

British Naturalists Association

British Nutrition Foundation

British Pharmacological Society

British Pteridological Society

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

British Society for Cell Biology

British Society for Geomorphology

British Society for Medical Mycology

British Society for Plant Pathology

British Society for Rheology

British Society for Rheumatology

British Society for the History of Mathematics

British Society for the History of Science

British Society of Audiology

British Society of Toxicological Pathologists

British Sociological Association

British Transplantation Society

British Veterinary Association

Challenger Society for Marine Science

Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists

Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

Consortium of Research Libraries

Energy Institute

Ergonomics Society

Fauna & Flora International

Fisheries Society of the British Isles

Freshwater Biological Association

Galton Institute

Gemological Association

Geographical Association

Geological Society

Health Professions Council

Health Protection Agency

Institution of Agricultural Engineers

Institute of Conservation

Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology

Institute for the Management of Information Systems

Institute of Acoustics

Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors

Institute of Biology

Institute of Biomedical Science

Institute of Cast Metals Engineers

Institute of Corrosion

Institute of Ecotechnics

Institution of Environmental Sciences

Institute of Fisheries Management

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Healthcare Management

Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers

Institute of Horticulture

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Institute of Musical Instrument Technology

Institute of Physics

Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine Institute of Psychoanalysis

Institute of Science Technology

Institute of Structural Engineers

Institute of Trichologists

Institute for Animal Health

Institution of Chemical Engineers

Institution of Civil Engineers

Institution of Electronics

Institution of Engineering and Technology

Institution of Engineering Designers

Institution of Environmental Sciences

Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers

Institution of Lighting Engineers

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Institution of Structural Engineers

Intellectual Property Institute

International Bee Research Association

International Federation of Hydrographic Societies

International Glaciological Society

International Institute for Environment and Development

Linnean Society of London

List and Index Society

London Mathematical Society

London Metropolitan Polymer Centre

London Topographical Society

Marine Conservation Society

Market Research Society

Mineralogical Society

Modern Humanities Research Association

National Bursars' Association

National Osteoporosis Society

National Physical Laboratory

Natural England

Nautical Institute

Nutrition Society

Operational Research Society

Palaeontographical Society

Palaeontological Association

Pathological Society

Physiological Society

Quekett Microscopical Club

Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society

Research and Development Society

Royal Academy of Arts

Royal Academy of Engineering

Royal Aeronautical Society

Royal Agricultural Society

Royal Archaeological Institute

Royal Astronomical Society

Royal College of Anaesthetists

Royal College of General Practitioners

Royal College of Midwives Trust

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Royal College of Pathologists

Royal College of Physicians

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Royal Entomological Society

Royal Forestry Society

Royal Geographical Society

Royal Historical Society

Royal Horticultural Society

Royal Institute of Navigation

Royal Institute of Philosophy

Royal Institute of Public Health

Royal Institution of Great Britain

Royal Meteorological Society

Royal Microscopical Society

Royal Society for the Promotion of Health

Royal Society of Medicine

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts

Royal Statistical Society

Royal Welsh Agricultural Society

Science Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies Alliance

Science Council

Scientific Instrument Society

Scottish Association for Marine Science

Society for Applied Microbiology

Society for Computers and Law

Society for Endocrinology

Society for General Microbiology

Society for Psychical Research

Society for Underwater Technology

Society of Archivists

Society of Chemical Industry

Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

Society of Cosmetic Scientists

Society of Environmental Engineers

Society of Food Hygiene and Technology

Society of Indexers

Society of Operations Engineers

Society of Radiographers

Solar Energy Society

Strategic Planning Society

Textile Institute

The British Psychological Society

The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

The Engineering and Technology Board

The Environment Council

The Marine Biological Association of the UK

The Royal Society

The Royal Society of Chemistry

The Royal Statistical Society

The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London

Tropical Biology Association

UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

Wildlife and Countryside Link


Blue Planet Aquarium

Bristol Zoo Gardens

The British Interactive Group (BIG) is a non-profit organisation for those involved in interactive science communication activities and hands-on education projects in the UK. The BIG directory contains a list of science museums and centres in the UK.

Centre for Life is a unique combination of biomedical research, clinical facilities, ethics, education and public engagement located on a single site in the centre of Newcastle. It houses a 4,500 sqm exhibition, a suite of teaching labs and research onsite includes genetics and stem cell research.

Chester Zoo

Ecsite-uk is a UK Network of Science Centres and Museums, representing 50+ science centres in the UK as well as aquariums, gardens and zoos.

The Dana Centre is a purpose-built venue in London It is a place for adults to take part in exciting, informative and innovative debates about contemporary science, technology and culture.

The Grant Museum of Zoology.


Bristol Natural History Consortium is a unique alliance between At-Bristol, Avon Wildlife Trust, BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol City Council, Bristol Zoo Gardens, University of Bristol, University of the West of England, Wildscreen and WWF-UK. The Consortium reflects Bristol’s reputation as a leading centre for the understanding and appreciation of the natural world.

London Aquarium

Kew Gardens

Think Tank Birmingham

Centre of the Cell

London Zoo

National Maritime Museum

Museums Association

National Museums of Science and Industry (NMSI)

Natural History Museum

Sea Life centres can be found in cities across Europe.

Techniquest science centres can be found in a number of locations in Wales.

Whipsnade Zoo


Agricultural Development and Advisory Service is an independent science based rural and environmental policy consultancy.

The Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation was established in 2003 with the goal of supporting decision making in conservation and environmental management through the production and dissemination of systematic reviews on the effectiveness of management and policy interventions. Relevant conservation can also be found on a seperate website -

The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee is an Associate Parliamentary Group that produces the Science in Parliament Journal.

The Foundation for Science and Technology provides a neutral platform for debate of policy issues with a science angle. The Foundation organises discussions and produces a journal.

Newton's Apple is a neutral, non-partisan charity working at the interface between science and policy.

People Science & Policy is an independent public policy consultancy that specialises in science and society issues

Prospect is and independent union representing those working in science, technology and related professions.

Understanding Animal Research aims to achieve understanding and acceptance of the need for humane animal research in the UK, by maintaining and building informed public support and a favourable policy climate for animal research.

The RAND Cooporation is an international non-profit corporation that aims to improve policy and decision-making by providing a research and analysis sevice.

The Science Policy Support Group operated between 1986-2003. SPSG was set up by the ESRC, with the intial support of the other Research Councils, to organise programmes of research and information on issues of science and technology policy identified as of strategic importance.

The Science and Development Network is an organisation which aims to provide reliable science and technology information for the developing world.

The Royal Society is also very active in the policy area, and produces a large number of relevant statments and reports. To subscribe to the Royal Society E-Newsletter with updates on their latest policy activities you should email 'subscribe' to

Think tanks occasionally touch on scientific issues where they are deemed relevant. The Guardian has produced a list of some of the key think tanks. Newton's Apple (listed above) was established as a think tank that would deal specifically with science issues.

The UK Resource Centre for Women in SET is an organisation which works with organisations, employers and policy makers to increase gender equality in science, engineering and technology (SET), and with individual women to help progress their SET careers.

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Comment policy: I enthusiastically welcome corrections and I entertain polite disagreement ;) Because of the nature of this blog it attracts a LOT - 5 a day at the moment - of spam comments (I write about spam practices,misleading marketing and unevidenced quackery) and so I'm more likely to post a pasted version of your comment, removing any hyperlinks.

Comments written in ALL CAPS LOCK will be deleted and I won't publish any pro-homeopathy comments, that ship has sailed I'm afraid (it's nonsense).