
Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Communicating Risk in Health Information (London) - Tues 26 Jan 2016

ZOMG this sounds amazing.

Copied and pasted from their event registration website (from which you can buy a ticket, £240 max, cheaper for members):




Communicating Risk in Health Information

We are delighted to announce that bookings are now open for the 'Communicating Risk in Health Information' event on Tuesday 26 January 2016, to be held in London.

Risks and statistics are an essential part of patient information.  What is a person’s risk of developing a particular condition in their lifetime, or of having a certain symptom? What is the chance of a treatment or procedure working? What are the risks of getting different side-effects? And can people change these risk factors?

However, many patients are unable to comprehend basic statistics, never mind navigate their way through the reams of data that may come with health information comparing treatment options. As information and support professionals, our job is to make sure we can guide patients through the minefield of data and figures to help them feel confident in making their own decisions.

This one day event will: look at the challenges many patients experience when trying to understand risk; hear from experts in the field of communicating risk; and share case studies from health information producers who have addressed this in their work.

Presentations will include:
  • Health literacy and numeracy in the UK (Community Health & Leaning Foundation)
  • How can we clearly communicate risk information? (David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor for the Public Understanding of Risk in the Statistical Laboratory, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge)
  • Factors influencing the perception of side-effect risk information (Peter Gardner, Head of School of Psychology, University of Leeds)
  • TBC Shared decision making and risk communication (Richard Thompson, Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, Newcastle University)
  • Best practice for clearly communicating risk (PiF, based on PiF Toolkit best practice)
  • Using data visualisation to explain risks (Eluned Hughes, Breast Cancer Now)
The event will close with a practical group session that allows delegates to discuss the key challenges they face and how they can apply the findings or recommendations from the presentations in their work.
A full agenda is being developed and will be available here soon.

Through attending the event we hope delegates will develop:
  • Increased awareness of numeracy and health literacy issues, and their impact on individuals’ everyday life
  • Increased awareness of risk communication issues and impacts on individuals’ health and experiences of care
  • Increased understanding of how to communicate risk clearly in health information
  • Increased awareness of how other health information professionals and organisations approach communicating risk
This one day event costs £125+VAT to attend for PIF members (please login to the website before making your booking to receive the members rate), and £200+VAT for non-members.

We hope you can join us!

If you have any queries about this event please contact

The PIF Team

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