Stuff that occurs to me

All of my 'how to' posts are tagged here. The most popular posts are about blocking and private accounts on Twitter, also the science communication jobs list. None of the science or medical information I might post to this blog should be taken as medical advice (I'm not medically trained).

Think of this blog as a sort of nursery for my half-baked ideas hence 'stuff that occurs to me'.

Contact: @JoBrodie Email: jo DOT brodie AT gmail DOT com

Science in London: The 2018/19 scientific society talks in London blog post

Friday, 10 April 2015

Not quite as dramatic as BlockedByGalloway but here's the homeopathy version ;)

Updated on 17 November 2015

The #homeopathy hashtag on Twitter is an interesting place. On it you can find good-natured disagreement as well as vindictive rudeness and sarcasm (probably more of that than the good-natured stuff). There are plenty of people tweeting really interesting articles about how people make sense of information and about the regulation of homeopathy etc. And plenty of people tweeting things that make you wonder how they manage to operate a computer.

You'll also find 'BrownBagPantry' and her list of people she's blocked. I've been on that list for ages - I think it's because I've tweeted negatively about homeopathy and disagreed with her (most of it fairly civil I thought) but her impressive list expands daily and she appears to go looking for people who have referred to homeopathy in a manner that might hurt its feelings, to add them to her list.

There's a small Parliament UK petition to get the Government to stop funding homeopathy on the NHS. The Government has already said that it will run a consultation next year to find out what people think about actually blacklisting homepathy (this involves adding homeopathic remedies to a list of medicines for which there is no reimbursement) so I'd be surprised if this petition made much difference.

I heard about the petition through BrownBagPantry and the thought of contacting everyone on her list and telling them about the petition amuses me no end. Of course there's no guarantee that anyone will want to sign the petition, but we've got until April next year so ... let's tell people!

A note about blocking people on Twitter
If someone has blocked you this won't make any difference to your ability to see their tweets if you're looking at the #homeopathy hashtag (as all public tweets show up in search results regardless of whether or not the person that sent them blocked you). Also remember that you can use Echofon and other non-Twitter apps to see the tweets of someone who's blocked you (in fact if you use these apps you may not notice that you've been blocked), or you can search from:theirname to view the tweets, or just log out (or use a second account). A block just stops you from sending tweets to the person who's blocked you or interacting (faveing / RTing) their tweets.
    Alphabetic listing (965 people at 17 November 2015)

    . ? @vxgxn
    ? ? ? ? @victorianovakk
    ? RadiactivoMan ? @RadiactivoMan
    ?? The Adversary ?? @AdversAerialOne
    ?eb ? ~ @Tkcdn
    (V)nemoni)(s @MnemoniXs
    @ @YatZelarol
    0_okay @calypsoh13
    11 bit 1972 @11110110100
    2 inches @Living_Crayon
    4tis @4tis
    A Cranky Spider @chromesthesia
    A @Haertcore
    Aaron Carr @ScaryChildren
    Abdulrahman Salim @93399Salim
    AblativeMeatshield @AblativMeatshld
    AboveUsOnlySky @TTFKACTB
    AC Garvo @McGarvey14
    Acleron @Acleron1
    Adam Gonnerman @awgonnerman
    Adam Hannaford @aj_hannaford
    Adam Jacobs @statsguyuk
    Adam J Schechner, MD @AdamSchechner
    Aditya Bhatt @aditya_bhatt
    ADMIRAL STJERNEFØDT @fromshadows
    Adolf Meyer ✞ @Adi_Meyer
    Adrian Briggs @adrianbriggs
    Adrian Midgley @amidgley
    Aimi @Aimitweets
    Alain Hardy @alain_hardy
    Alan Rew @alanrew
    Alan Halley @ecomet
    Alan Henness @zeno001
    Albert Wu @withyouDrWu
    Alex Bradford Cobb @cobber_bobber
    Alex Howard @alexhoward75
    Alice Dreger @AliceDreger
    Alison Meyer @Awithonelison
    Alison McCoubrey @alison_doc
    Amanda Kendal @AmandaKendal
    Amateur Women @amateurs_varias
    Amelia Jordan @Robot_Insect
    Amused Atheist @Amused_Atheist
    anarchic_teapot @anarchic_teapot
    András G. Pintér @skepman
    Andreas Kyriacou @andreaskyriacou
    Andrew Skegg @askegg
    Andrew Quinlan @andrewjquinlan
    Andrew Lumsden @drewseybaby
    Andrew Loubser @ATLoubser
    AndreWaters20 @AndreWaters20
    Andy Cutright @andycutright
    Andy Ellis @ndls61
    Andy James @AyDeeJay
    Andy Lewis @lecanardnoir
    Angela M Tant @amtant1972
    Angharad @angharad1963
    Ann Allan @apallan
    Ann Pendlebury @1812ann
    AnnaDurrans @AnnaDurrans
    Anne Blake @littlepowder
    AntiAntiScience @AntiAntiSci
    Antithesis of Theist @db9man
    AnTonyM @wowbaggerish
    ARB. @arb_2035
    arensb @arensb
    Arlene Hunt @arlenehunt
    artdecodiva @AnArtDecoDiva
    Ash @tigerCOL_DE
    ASH: Magneto @Lowl3v3l
    Astronomical Unit @AstUnit
    Atheist Pilot @AtheistPilot
    Atheist Alan @reason_on
    Atheistic One @atheistic_1
    AuroraSkeptic @ActOfDog2
    Avril Horn @Stitchinscience
    'AWESOME STEFAN' ‏@rmbctious
    B_Sharp 1/2 @DoubleDumas
    Badly Saved Monkey @StumpedMonkey
    Barael's Blade @PastafariMatt
    barbara sensounet @Sensounet
    BarnetHumanist @BarnetHumanist
    Baroness Dr Rachael @DrRachie
    Barry Lyons @lyonsnyc
    Bawbag_Bob @Bawbag_Bob
    bc @444blackcat
    bcsharland @hopsbitsphotons
    BearDevil @GotdamBear
    Beardy_PA @neil_howie_uk
    Becky Walsh @becksjlwalsh
    Becky Boo @beczs
    Bee Ni Bee @BeeNiBee
    Bee Rational @RationalBee
    Ben Addleman @Addleben
    Ben Beska @Beska
    Ben Burchell @PaleBlueDotBen
    Benjamin @CapuchinSeven
    Benji @the_fire_dog
    Bernie Gilbert @Bernie_Gilbert
    Bevin Flynn @BevinFlynn
    Bill Gibson @drbillgibson
    Bill Gorman @BilliousG
    Bipolar Bear @robster16a
    Birmingham Humanists @brumhums
    Bix | Tim @BixSqrl
    Blair @red_hairy_blair
    Blankety blank @Patrick_PoV
    BlessedVirginDarwin @OnNavalTimber
    Blue Wode @Blue_Wode
    Blue Engineer @BlueMoonEng
    BlueJo @PlaceboJo
    Bob Blaskiewicz @rjblaskiewicz
    Bob Churchill @bobchurchill
    Bob Dynex ‏@bob_dynamo
    Bonehouse Wasps @BonehouseWasps
    Boo Scott ‏@skipbidder
    Boris @Boris__Vallejo
    Brad A. @bradams92
    Brendan Witcher @Brendan_Witcher
    Brendan C011ins @BrendanSol
    Bret Winograd @Bretwinograd
    Brett Williamson @ExecCanuck
    Brewlabs @Brewlabs
    Brian Schroer @Brian34Schroer
    Brian Morgan @BRIANM0RGAN
    Brian Colquhoun @article82
    Brian Clough @brian__clough
    Brian Dunning @BrianDunning
    Bridon @br13roch
    British Sceptic @ElNuevoOtroMio2
    Britt Marie Hermes @NaturoDiaries
    Brother Erasmas @BrotherErasmas
    Brown Baggy Panties @BrownBaggyPants
    Brox Cedarbridge @broxceda
    Bruce Scott @skipbidder
    bruce harper @wtfagain
    caligari @TheRiverPeck
    CanadianChick @SkepCdnChick
    CanGal @CanGal_39
    Cantech Letter @CantechLetter
    Captain Skepticpants @GodlessPirate
    CareNews @CareNews
    Carl Chapple @carlchapple
    caroline richmond @carolinerichmnd
    Carolyn Baboolal @AxxyrMed_Carol
    Carrie @carrieontweetin
    Carrie Morrison @LadyLoveliness
    Cate Macinnis-Ng @LoraxCate
    Catherine Collins @RD_Catherine
    cdogzilla @cdogzilla
    CEJL (BadgerDNA) @CEJLovejoy
    Chad Chang @changchad
    Chantelle Vella @NutritionMunch
    Charles Payet, DDS @SmilesbyPayet
    Chelle Ryland @Hedspaceyoga
    Chem 2006 @Chem2006
    chimbo23 @chimbo23
    Chris Thompson @acdthompson
    Chris Woods @christopherw
    Chris Tanner @TheGreatTannero
    Chris o'callaghan @Chris_atomic
    Chris Bridge @bridgeylad
    Chris Down @PlingetheElder
    Chris Hofer @tinytownefl
    Chris Ogle @ChrisOgle2
    Christopher J Benton @ChrisJBenton
    Christopher John @mrchrisjohn
    Christopher Anton @GBRChris_A
    Chuck D. @heypayattn
    Cian MacEochagáin @cianpgeoghegan
    Ciarán O'Brien @Sarklor
    CircadianChick @ChickCircadian
    City Calling @CityCalling
    CJG @crazyjerseylady
    Claire McDonald @ClaireEMcDonald
    Claire @Novembervivi
    Claire M Benson @PyroClaire
    Clay Jones @skepticpedi
    Cliff @CliffS666
    Clive Peedell @cpeedell
    clokey74 ‏@clokey74
    Cody @MusicalCody
    Colin Brennan @FinalCoyote
    collprin @Kaiyodei
    commonsense @commonsense258
    CompactDisk @CompactDisk1
    CompulsivelyObsessed @analisa_bianca
    Connie Deline MD @ConnieDelineMD
    Corey Bamburg @CoreyBam
    Count Sheep @maddy_jones15
    Craig Vertigan @vertigrator
    Crikey @tumbledown31
    Crispy Sea @CrispySea
    Crystal Penguin @PenguinCrystal
    crystalwolfLady @krystalwolfgrl
    CT Voter @CTVoter
    CT @CitizenTame
    Cybernetic Skeptic @CyberneticSkept
    Cydney @microbiomom
    D @dead_fly_pie
    D. Klimentidis @Diamantius
    D. Har @medicalpoke
    D.J. Grothe @DJGrothe
    DaMo @dtmoorhead
    Dan Kaszeta @DanKaszeta
    Dan Hayes @DanJHayes
    Dan Gardner @dgardner
    Dan J @RelUnrelated
    Dan Johnson @DanJohnsonAB
    Dane Mulberry @DaneOfYourLife
    Dangerously Talented ‏@Dangerouslytal
    Daniel Barham @apeirophobic
    Daniel Sexton @atDanielSexton
    Daniel Hancock @Dengie_GP
    Daniela Lubelli @Daniela_Lubelli
    Danny Rushyo Moules @Rushyo
    darthskeptic @darthskeptic
    Darwinian (FCD) @Gr8Darwinians
    Dave Hepworth @owls1956
    Dave Kahn @dkahn400
    Dave Murphy @Davidmurphy25
    David Standard @DaveStandard
    David Couch @crutchley
    David Emmanuel @davegillen
    David Heffron @DavidHeffron
    david praznik @davidpraznik
    David Juurlink @DavidJuurlink
    David Colquhoun @david_colquhoun
    David Ingram @dingram
    David James @StortSkeptic
    David Hearne @dontdelay
    David Gorski @gorskon
    David Hepburn @apnoeaboy
    David Preece @DGPreece
    David Sawyer @dbrisawyer
    David Shek @davidshek
    David Standard @DaveStandard
    David Tredinnick not @notdavetredinit
    David Weinman MSN CN @SciBasedNutr
    David Wiltshire @caspmax
    Dawnbringer @fireinthedawn
    DCW @kittenparades
    Deactivated account @AusAtheistJim
    dead-toe molly @mollyhjameson
    dean anthony @dean8669
    Dean Burnett @garwboy
    Debbie @mosesmosesmoses
    Deborah Golden @DebGoldenDC
    Debunked By Haiku @DebunkedByHaiku
    Del Patrick @WolfieSmiffed
    Denial Dullman @SociopathicDana
    Derek @rosail
    DesmoDog @desmodog
    Devon Chisholm @DevonSavannah
    Dianne Sousa @DianneSousa
    Dirk Thrust @lennylaw
    DK @DesireeSeattle
    Doc Bastard @DocBastard
    Doctor Evil ‏@TheDailyEvil
    Doctor @orthoandtrauma
    domforbes @domforbes
    Dominion Post @DomPost
    Double Doctored, MD @DoubleDoctored
    Doubtful News @DoubtfulNews
    doug hepburn @hepbb
    Doug Paice @baralong
    Douglas @dougpsyco
    Download a Remedy ‏@downloadaremedy
    Dr Christian Jessen @DoctorChristian
    Dr Mike Ward @Schroedinger99
    Dr Suzi Gage @soozaphone
    Dr Milk Dutton @mickvagg
    Dr Woodchuck @mckmat
    Dr Darren Conway PhD @DrDarrenConway
    Dr Brad McKay @DrBradMcKay
    Dr Marianne @noodlemaz
    Dr Don Smallman @DonSmallman
    Dr Ellie ? @Dr_Ellie
    Dr Daya Sharma @DrDayaSharma
    Dr Heather Doran @hapsci
    Dr Darren Saunders @whereisdaz
    Dr Thinkgood @count_01
    Dr Keith Grimes @keithgrimes
    Dr. Jaime Friedman @DrJaimeFriedman
    Dr. Dave Stukus @AllergyKidsDoc
    Dr. Zee @docdez
    Dr. Andy Holt @DrAndyHolt
    Dr. Joseph T. McGinn @bypasstheordnry
    Dr. Party @doktorparty
    Dr*T @Dr_star_T
    Drew Barragan @Oh245Olivi20078
    Drew Burdett @DrewBurdett
    DrIan @IanDarby2
    DrKevGuitar @DrKevGuitar
    drSiddu Metri @drsiddumetri
    Duane Mellor @DrDuaneRD
    DubbleH33lix @DubbleH33lix
    ECW_Smart_Mark @ECW_Smart_Mark
    Ebony McKenna @EbonyMcKenna
    Edzard Ernst @EdzardErnst
    Elaine Crowley @ElaineCrowley
    Elaine Hutton @elainehutton
    Elizabeth Ferris @LizzyFerret
    ElizabethD @_ElizabethD
    Elle @theRealEllelow
    Elmar Breitbach @ElmarBreitbach
    Elmer Lee, MD @DrElmerLee
    Emil Karlsson @EmilKarlsson
    Emma C Williams @emma_c_williams
    End Dogma @enddogma
    Enda Morrissey @MorrisseyEnda
    Er. Shakeel Ahmad @ErShakeelAhmad
    Erasmas's Brother @AnotherFraa
    Erica Meador MS, RDN @EricaRDN
    Eve Volved @EveVolved
    Evidence-Based Al @EvidenceBasedAl
    explanoit @explanoit
    F.L. Stefanato @stefafra
    Farouk @x_farouk
    fermi (MSE) @fermi239
    First Officer @Erst_Officer
    Florian G. @Curiolog
    Foul Pox-craft ‏@misterspidergod
    FractalMinto @fractalminto
    Franco @Frankfrancesco
    Frank de Vocht @frankdevocht
    Frankie @frankiebird01
    Frankly antitheist @soulesssniper
    Fré @frecq
    Fred McElwaine @gingermarauder
    Friendly Tester @FriendlyBlocker
    FriendsOfSciMed @FriendsOfSciMed
    Fyllis Tsiakitzis @mithrandir1973
    G @Skeptical_G
    Gabriel Hmimina ‏@Gabriel050111
    Gabriel Scally @GabrielScally
    Gareth @grlewry
    Gareth Nelson @garethnelson
    Gavan Boucher @GavanBoucher
    Gavin @gavin82au
    Gavin Lavery @lavery_gg
    Gemma Arrowsmith @mmaarrow
    Geoff Schuler @GeoffSchuler
    Geoffrey Bummers @crustcakegerf
    George Carlin @ImGeorgeCarlin
    George Wallis @george_wallis
    gerard blair ‏@gezblair
    Gethin Hopkin @GPHopkin
    Gianni @QuackJimmy
    Giles Neal @gilesneal94
    Gilles Coulombeau @gillescoul
    Glorious Dawn @Glorious_Dawn
    God has no phone @agrimes1971
    Godless Mom @godless_mom
    Gold @unifex
    Good Thinking @GoodThinkingSoc
    Google It! @InfoMadeEasy
    Gospodar Ilijas @Ilijasx
    Graham Arden @trigfa
    Graham Smith @GrahamSmith_
    Graham D @Mustard655
    Grant Ritchey Jr. @SkepticalDDS
    Great Ass Daily™ @GreatAssDaily
    Greg Staskowski @GregStaskowski
    Greg Smith @NotThatGreg
    Gregor Mendel @GregortheMendel
    Hairy Melvin @hairymelvin
    Halien @VivaLasKnox
    hallam wiltshire @hallamhash
    Hamfisted Bun Vendor @MetalOllie
    Harold Saxon @T4RD1S
    Harrison Stein @SecretCisco
    harsh v maheshwary @heritageimpex
    Health And Love Page @HealthAndLovePa
    hearsegirl @hearsegirl
    Heath George @WDP_HeathGeorge
    Heidi Gardner @heidirgardner
    Holly Taylor @HollyTaylor1985
    HollyHox @HollHox
    Homa S. Woodrum @woodrumlaw
    Homeopathic Owl @HomeopathicOwl
    Homeo Pathy @besthomeopath
    Homeopathy NZ @homeopathynz
    Honest Homeopathy @HonestHomeo
    hotel zulu lima @hotelzululima
    Howard @user24
    Humans call me John @aperdatchery
    Hunky_Doreen @hunky_doreen
    i-Magazine @ZSCoban
    Ian Vidler @VforViper
    Ian M Scott @Ian_M_Scott
    Ian Rennie @theangelremiel
    Ian Lahart PhD @IMLahart
    Ian Yorston @IanYorston
    Ieuan Ellis @Prof_IeuanEllis
    Ieva Zagante @IevaZagante
    Ignazio Palmisano @ignaziop1977
    Iida Ruishalme @Thoughtscapism
    IJOCS @ijocs
    ily zayn @mycauliHARRY
    Inforectionist @A11_Seeing_Eye
    Inglorious Kitten @KittenKoder
    Inky Thehorse @inky_r
    Irma Gherd @maureenchuck1
    Ithaqua @Ithaqua69
    J @The_Bayliffe
    J?K?Stiffler @Lyve_Wire
    Jack Allnutt @allnutt_eu
    Jacobo Mendioroz @JacoboMendioroz
    James Green @Jim1810
    James Gurney @Jamesrgurney
    James Egan @jameswzegan85
    James O'Malley @Psythor
    jamie bonaparte @jbonapar
    Jane Symons @JaneSymons1
    Jason green @JasonMMAref
    Jason @Lewishamdreamer
    Jason Bowman @texprehospital
    Jason Ford @jccford
    Jason Clery @SaintTheJase
    Jc Cper @JacCooper1
    JC @Ahwellnevermind
    Jc Cper @JacCooper1
    jd gimzek @jdgimzek
    JD @moosebitesau
    Je suis Raif @darkmudley
    Jeff Munroe @JeffMunroe51
    Jeff @JeffHamptown
    jenna @DesertRose83476
    Jenni Gray @JenniSaysJump
    Jennifer M. Hecht @Freudeinstein
    Jennifer Jacula @jjacula
    Jens Foell PhD @fMRI_guy
    Jens Bugge @booksread
    JenZenHeathen @liberal_parnell
    Jessica Burt @burt_jessica
    Jesus' Cross @otisspunkmeyer0
    Jez-ebel @notwaving
    Jim Fulton @JimboFulton
    Jim Schmidt @zaren
    Jim Al-Khalili @jimalkhalili
    Jinx @Jinks_40
    Jo Brodie @JoBrodie
    Joanna McInnes @Jomc20
    Joanne Cook @johalifax
    Joe Schwarcz @joeschwarcz
    Jobs Healthcare Los @NeuvooHeaLA
    joe @parla8ane
    Joe Schwarcz @joeschwarcz
    Joe @CloranJoe
    Joel Lambert @Joellambert
    Joey H. @ZenMonkey
    Johan™ Strandberg @johanges
    John @joltdude
    John Collins @HangBlaa
    John Henry ‏@24shaz
    John @JHawk103
    John Livingston @OldRJLivingston
    John McGarva @IamChirurgicus
    John de Beixedon, MD @drjohn10
    John Dukenford @dukenford
    John Finnegan @finnegan_john
    John Henry @24shaz
    Johnnie @johnnieingram
    Johnny Mac @johnnymaczero
    Jon Massey @jonny_boy27
    Jon @jhgr81
    Jon the Statistician @JWCChristiansen
    Jon Owen @anotherJon
    Jon R @robinj91
    Jona @jonaathome
    Jonathan @waterlego
    Jonathan Polley @JonPolleyShill
    Jonathan Rothwell @jrothwell
    Jonathan @jmuttersomethin
    Joseph F Hayes ‏@in_psych
    Josh Adams @scientistjadams
    Joshua Schimberg @Jschimberg
    Joshua Meadows @Zeke229
    jpak1888 @jpak1888
    JR @jrmedicineman
    JREFMonkey @JREFMonkey
    JT Crawley @JT_Crawley
    Juan Incognito @juanincognito
    Jude Adamson @smalljude
    Julian Jones @jstrakerj
    Julie Race @dina57
    JusticeNeverSleeps @Auragasmic
    Kaelyn @kaelyn_brie
    Kalyani Fiveash @zorypocejuri
    Karen @Strayski
    Karen Lopez @datachick
    karl meyer @karlmeyer
    Kas Thomas @kasthomas
    Kash Farooq @kashfarooq
    Kat Arney @harpistkat
    Kat-Lady @KatLikesJam
    Kate Corden @KateJaffe1
    Kate P @doctorwibble
    kath2cats @kath2cats
    Katherine Horejší @MstreetBakery
    Katie @cakeheath
    Kausik @kausikdatta22
    Kayla Maynard @KaylaMaynary6n
    kayray @ktibus
    Kennedy B @___kennedy987
    Kennylee Beeks @Coeleborn
    Kenzilla, MD, RPVI @kenzilla
    Kev Kev @CyaeghaUK
    Kevin Darke @kevindarke
    Kevin Iwasa-Madge @iMadgenNutr
    Kevin Adam @KevinAdam21
    Kevin Neale @cinematicme
    kfunk937 @kfunk937
    Kirsteen @KirsteenMullay
    Kiteman @KitemanX
    Korenwolf @flyhmstr
    Kris King @distant_angel
    KurrentAffairs @KurrentAffairs
    Kurt Kemmerer @GoneSkiing44
    Kyle Swartz @swartz1177
    L. Tock @Ltock
    Lageraemia @Lageraemia
    Lauren Petrie @lmpetrie
    Laurence Pearl @laurencepearl
    Lawrence Tider @Ltider
    Lazer Pen @LazerPen
    Le Pampered Pig @LePamperedPig
    League Cup Taliban @yetigcreature
    Lee Turnpenny @LeeTurnpenny
    Lee Johnson @JackLebeau
    Len Holehouse ‏@lenholehouse
    Lenn Lockwood @lenn_lockwood
    lesmondine @lesmondine
    Lewis @Lewisbaker1603
    Liberblog @LiberBlog
    Life & Style @LifeStyle_Print
    Lilli Vega @LilliVega0
    lilredhsb @lilredhsb2
    Limoncete Alcalino @silvercius
    Lindsay Souter @theFullSouter
    Lindy Williams @LindyWilliams3
    Ling @ling_son
    Liquid_atheist @Liquid_atheist
    lisa domican ‏@lisamareedom
    Living Marble ‏@living_marble
    Liz, Queen of bogans 1azylizzie
    Liz Ditz @lizditz
    Louis Flig @louisflig
    louise @stillredasever
    louise lewis @LouiseyLou22
    Louise McLeavey @Harcourts_ChCh
    Lucy Wainwright @Whoozley
    Lucy R. Fisher @richmondie
    Luke McElligott @LukeMcElligott1
    Lurra @melurra
    LycanthropeDoomspire @katrus
    Maggie Dods @MagDods
    Maik Egosum Quisum @MaikEgosum
    Malcolm Martin @MalcolmTX200
    Malcolm von Schantz @mvonschantz
    MamaDeb @_mamadeb
    Manny Neira @manny_neira
    manu @trekonomics
    Marc Gravell @marcgravell
    Margo Milne @MargoJMilne
    marie bourgeois @mmbtox
    Marie Bardsley @MarieBard
    Marius Dãnilã @ma_dnl
    Mark Lorch @Sci_ents
    Mark Crislip @MarkCrislip
    Mark Scott @onedarwinian
    Mark Hood @markhood
    Mark McCartney @markmccartney59
    Mark @Sharknal
    Mark @Sudo_One
    martin fortescue @matinfue
    Martin @seeksbettername
    Martin Duffy @mdthemd
    Martin Bennedik @bennedik
    Martin Sundskarð @Msundskard
    Martin Cleaver @mcleaver
    Mary Ann @cinemaven
    Mary Luce @msluce09
    Master Jared Esq @Skepticalpoo
    Mathias Nygård @Warlord_Nygard
    Matou @Auto_Math
    Matt Savigear @anatosuchus
    Matt Poulton @MyID_Research
    Matt @elwoodius
    Matt, Ph.D. in Beer @drabmuh
    Matt @Mwolesluggle
    Matt Parker @standupmaths
    Matt Sims @Mercifull
    Matteo Wyllyamz @mouselink
    Matter of Fact @Matter_of_Fact
    Matthew Brignall, ND ‏@drbrignall
    Matthew Ross ‏@MattBobRoss
    Matthew Pugsley Muir @adonismuir
    Matthew Lee Knowles @MatLeeKnowles
    Maurits Gosler @M_Gosler
    Maxence @Plume_Asclepios
    mchawk @mchawk
    Me: Roger B @rojertb
    Medical Revision @clinicalmeded
    Medtek @medtek
    MetalOllie @MetalOllie
    Meducation @Meducation
    Mellissa Doyle @MellissaD
    mentioner of bears @starsandspirals
    Mica @micaboyce
    Michael Bazaco @MCBazacoPhD
    Michael J Champion @MJChampion293
    Michael Tayar @Doc_Grumpy
    Michael Merrifield @ProfMike_M
    Michael Warren @MrMWarren
    Michael Baum @MichaelBaum11
    Michaela M @MiMrMa
    Michelle @knowleybean
    Michelle @mamabook
    Micropach @ycephalosaurus
    Mike Flugennock @flugennock
    Mike Hall @mikehall314
    Mike Peacock @MikePeacock86
    Mike @MikeTaylor2011
    Mike Thunberg @mthun3
    Mike Wilson @DragonLaserArt
    mikeunlikely @mikeunlikely
    Miles Greb @Goldrushcomic
    MillionaireMatch @SuccessfulMatch
    Milton Mermikides @miltonline
    Min. of silly talks @ministryofstalk
    Miran @otorhinosaurus
    Mitch Benn @MitchBenn
    Mitch @DJMitchMD
    MJA @mjauk
    Moe ofChurchof Larry @OswaldPyke
    Molecular Reason @always0rational
    Mole Delta @MoleDelta
    Moonbeam Mike @NoThanksTheism
    Morgawr @Tharparion
    Mr Cellophane @CellophaneSeal
    Mr. GMO Potato Head @MrGmoPotatoHead
    MrOzAtheist @MrOzAtheist
    Mupje86 @Mupje86
    murphy78 @enjoy_murph
    Murtaza @MurtazaReview
    My Info @usfbulls2003
    NaanSense @MrBlough
    nailbomb3 @nailbomb3
    Namaste, Ish @Namaste_Ish
    Nancy Drew @NancyDrewPI
    Nancy Walsh @walsh422
    Nat @SecuLawyer
    Nathan Boonstra MD @PedsGeekMD
    Naturally Selected @NatSel200
    Ned Ryerson @Skeptical_Ned
    Neuroskeptic ‏@Neuro_Skeptic
    Nicholas F Collins @combat_honey
    Nick Taylor @NickJTaylor
    Nick Brown @sTeamTraen
    Nickdrumr2 @Nickdrumr2
    Nigel Poole @NigelPooleQC
    Nigel Brown @nl_brown
    NIH Bear @NIH_Bear
    nik @mistanikinnit
    NikD @_NIKD_
    Nippy Trilimply @NippyTrilimply
    Niranac @niranac
    No to Dogma @No2Dogma
    NonProphetess @nonprophetess
    NonStampCollector @nonstampNSC
    Norma Laming @TheSandlings
    Nostrafucius @Nostradamnisuck
    Not a Groupie @els3823
    notLikeNormalPeople @notlikenormal
    Nottingham Skeptics @Notts_Skeptics
    nullifidian ?Ø @nullifidian
    Nursing Skeptically @SkepNurse
    objesus © ‏@fib45AD
    Obnoxio The Corbyn @obotheclown
    Ooh no you didn't.. @VKateMitchell
    Omelette @OmeletteBiscuit
    OpenMind @MyOpenMind101
    Orac @oracknows
    Organism @organism
    Oscar H. @elenaaaa0015469
    PalmTree809 @PalmTree809
    Papa Hambrick @dhambrick63
    Pascal @myrapture
    Pascal Meier, MD,BMJ @pascalmeier74
    Pasquale Scrim @ghotye
    Pat Vigder @DrQuilter
    Paddy K @spongepaddy
    Pastor Richard @thebiblestrue
    Paul Hawkins @PaulHawkins66
    Paul Sinha @paulsinha
    Paul Drew @paulmichaeldrew
    Paul Morgan @drpaulmorgan
    Paul maxwell @Pmaxwellfnp
    Paul Madley @onepablo
    Paul Hoadley @phoadley
    Paul @MPCmonkey
    Paul B @WibbleMyFins
    Paul Offit @DrPaulOffit
    Paula Rose @PaulaHoneyRose
    Pauline Sweetman @psweetman
    Pellaris @Pellaris_GB
    Pepijn van Erp ‏@pjvanerp
    Per-Cheun @percheun
    peter garbett @peter_garbett
    Peter @the_wraith99
    Peter Vintner @pvandck
    Peter Harrison @2Harrison_Peter
    Petros Mourouzis @PetrosMourouzis
    Petter Wäss @Petterwass
    Pharma Sector Today @PharmaInd2day
    Philip Jones @pmgjones
    Philip Marshall @PhilipMarshall1
    Phoebe Nichols @The_Phoenicks
    PhysicianRecruiter @StaffPhysician
    Pope Pious Fraud @PopFraud
    private @Tolstoved
    Prof Saiful Islam @SaifulChemistry
    ProgressiveInMO @AnthonyColumbia
    Prototype Atheist @ProtoAtheist
    ProudBSN,RN @annaRN32
    Psu Donym @Shadoself
    Q (Edwin) @SpeedForce1973
    Quackery Watchdog @ofquack
    Rach @ChachyOwen
    RachW @sirwilfreddeath
    Ralf Reski @ReskiLab
    Ralph Mitchell @ralphy1517
    Rational Person @lalger2020
    Rav3n @Ravens_Claws
    Ravi Nair @palfreyman1414
    Ray_disComfort @Ray_disComfort
    RB Johnson @RBBrent
    reachingout @MeReachingout
    Reality Shill Guy @SceptiGuy
    RealWorldFitness 93% @Nottingham_PT
    Reason Coffee Shop @ReasonCoffeeShp
    Reasonable Hank @reasonable_hank
    Rebel Knight @RebelKnight50
    Reg Reader @RegReader
    Reid @Reid_CO
    Reine S. @nurse_ratchett7
    Religious Eyebrows @ReligiousT @remindercall
    Rev. Fred Denial @FredsBile
    Rhiannon Smith @RhiannonASmith
    Rich Lewis @Richwithtea
    Rich F-G @AbominableHMan
    Rich @NemesisUK
    richard laverick @whysomanypeople
    Richard Davies @Palaeoboy
    Richard Blogger @richardblogger
    Richard Pearce @EliotBeckett
    Richard Hill @llihir
    Richard Reeve @reevephotos
    Richard Saunders @SkepticZone
    Rick ‏@RikRay
    Rick Sanchez @RichSanchez137c
    Rick Rogers @PremierAJG
    Ricky Turgeon PharmD @Ricky_NERDLMPS
    Riddle Like @endless_psych
    Rob McQuisitor @Your_FunnyUncle
    Rob Carr @robcarrphoto
    Rob Who? @pob_almighty
    Robert Hegedus @rhegedus
    robert jennings @timelordbob1
    RobertKibble @r_kibble
    Robin Conibere @PharmRJ
    ROBOPOPE @pontifun
    RobotOfDeath @Mr_GWard
    Ross Hill @RossHillPhD
    Ross Bamford @bigrb
    Roxane @brigadam
    Roy Alexander @Roy_Astro
    Roy Grubb @roygrubb
    Rudy Hellzapoppin' @RudyHellzapop
    Rupina Langley @kadyjetuvoru
    Russell Saunders @RussellSaunder1
    Ruth @ruthybeth12
    Ryan Z. @momedic9019
    Ss Ss @saqi45630
    Saint Peter Genesius @SaintPeter777
    Sally J Beach @ThirteenthCent
    Sally Lewis @RslewisSally
    Sam Kelvey @SAWPerformance
    Sam Cooper @camsooper
    Sam @xEzzac
    Samantha Young @SamanthaY0UNG
    Sanjeev Kohli @govindajeggy
    Sarah Bailey @DrSarahBailey
    SarahLawrenceHinson @SarahsEnergy
    Sarah Mehta @mehta_analysis
    ScaryItalian @ScaryItalian
    scawdery @scawdery
    Schuyler Koch @_kennzzie739588
    Science Updates @cpa61
    Science Apologist @SciApologist
    Science 2.0 @science2_0
    Scott Gavura ‏@PharmacistScott
    Scott Hansen @SkepticalSkotty
    Scrblpostny Owen @point_moot
    Sean A @SeanKDLA
    Secular Today @secular_today
    Sentiment @onlinesarcasm
    SEO Diver @SEO_Diver
    Serena Keating @skeatadoo
    Seth Trueger @Mdaware
    ShadowSpadeXIV @ShadowSpadeXIV
    sharon vos-arnold @VosPhotoUK
    Sharon Hill @IdoubtIt
    Shawn Dunford @DunfordShawn
    Sheila Scoular @sheilascoular
    Sherley Dokiburra @Sherley_23
    Shiva Prasad @shivamdprasad
    Si Butterworth @SiButterworth
    Si Co @Si_Copath
    Sibelius7 @Sibelius7
    Sid Rodrigues @SidRodrigues
    Simon Evans @TheHevo
    Simon Mawer @smamawer
    Simon Perry @Simon_Perry
    Simon Singh @SLSingh
    Simon Watkins ‏@simon_watkins
    Simone @SmithPogue222
    Siouxsie Wiles @SiouxsieW
    Sir Doubts-a-Lot @AskepticAtheist
    Skepduck @Skepduck
    Skeptic George @skeptic562000
    SkepticalRaptor @skepticalraptor
    Skepticat_UK @Skepticat_UK
    Smartass Champion @Cynicalreality
    SMASH @ashleyhanger
    Smiles 4RaifBadawi @BJPrice1
    smurf @02yyz
    So Called Atheist @AdhocAtheist
    ßöb Oxförd @bobbington99
    Solo F1 sin Circo @Solof1sincirco
    Some Asshole @assholeofday
    Sooz @s000000000z
    SpacemanSpiff @Baznut
    SparkleMoppet @SparkleMoppet
    Speaker Cruz @HavanaTed
    Spider Doof Warrior ‏@chromesthesia
    Spock @Spock_83
    St Helena @purplehelen
    Stan S. Stanman @smilin_stan
    Stef Noguera @Steftyem
    Stephen John Senn @stephensenn
    Stephen Betley @rouleur66
    Stephen Fernández @sjfernandez7
    Steffen Christensen @Wikisteff
    Steve @illiteratum
    Steve Tonkin @Tetenterre
    Steve @Traveling_steve
    Steve Williams @ChessPiano
    Steve Chick @Stooveth
    Steve Thoms @SomeCndnSkeptic
    Steve @SteveDrakovari
    Steve Leonard @_SNLeonard
    Steve Wood @CTMQ
    Steve @stevejme
    Steven Mulraney @DietTransitions
    Steven Novella @stevennovella
    Steverino @CookieDuster
    Stick Pins @FinchLydia
    Stuart Dustan @TheBigBlether
    Stuart Helmer @StuartHelmer
    SuberE @usEbre
    sue stokes @Sue_Stokes
    Sue Kobaïan @Nowthenlass
    Suzanne Munshower @expatina
    Suzanne @19smp59
    Suzi Elizabeth @AtlasHendrixCo
    T'Yorkshire Atheist @yrkatheist
    Taavi Metsma @TaaviMetsma
    Take That Libtard @TakeThatLibtard
    Take That, GMOs! @TakeThatGMOs
    Take That, Taxonomy @TakeThatLinne
    Take That, Insects @TakeThatInsects
    Take that, Avogadro @6x10E23
    TakeThatEnglish @TekThatEnglish
    Tania @OmgItsTania
    Tanya Hart @arripay
    Taylor Hermes @lyrehermes
    Teesside Humanists @Teeshumanists
    Teesside SitP @TeessideSitP
    Tess Deco @TessDeco
    The Ascension Book @AscensionBook
    The Cypher @The__Cypher
    TheBug0815 @TheBug0815
    The Dark Knee Rises @CityJohn
    The Doctor is IN @tongotongoz
    The Fox Retired @TheFoxReformed
    The Healer @HealthHealed
    The Illuminaughty @MatthewEyre
    The Laird McDermott @BCollier2012
    The Lord Wolf @Blackfang108
    the old fox @hellafoxi
    The Onion Knight @Vanderubble
    TheRationalDiscourse @LetsBe_Rational
    The Reptoids @ReptoidInvasion
    The Spudd @the_spudd
    TheSubversiveHippie @SubvrsiveHippie
    The Twat in the Hat @GRIMACHU
    TheUniqueSphere @TheUniqueSphere
    Thebesian veins @NotasMedicina
    thisisradiofreedom @thisisradio3dom
    Tiffany Groen @astrochacha
    Tim Brock ‏@TimBrock_DtD
    Tim Reid @blamelewis
    Timothy Graham @DanteDevante
    Timothy Caulfield
    @CaulfieldTim Todd W. @tweek75
    Todd Sampson @fmacanadaguy
    Todd B @addictionguy
    Tom C @pissantpartisan
    Tom Kott @TomKott
    Tonia @ToniGordonia
    Tonja Padgett @TonjaPadgett
    Total Social MGMT @TotalsocialMGMT
    Tracy McClelland @TracyMcC00
    Trevor Smith @MrSmithInNotts
    Tweeter™ @CommonCormorant
    TxC @TxColter
    umfpt @umfpt
    Unity @Unity_MoT
    unsilenced @LaughingNoam
    Useful Design @usefulDesign
    VaccineTruthUK @VaccineUK
    Val Giddings @prometheusgeen
    VeggieNinja @VeggieNinja23
    VHS @abjectyetalive
    Vicky @Victorialush
    Vivian @VanguardVivian
    vulvasaur @kevinorgan
    W. T. D. Cowey @WCXXI
    Waris @0xbabad00c
    Watchtower&Awakening @ApostateAwake
    wayne wright @Wayne7441
    WePharmacists @WePharmacists
    WHAW2015 @WHAW2015
    Whitney Edwards, M.D @UrieBay
    WhoBrannigan ‏@WhoBrannigan
    William Pietri @williampietri
    WilliamScott-Jackson @WTScottJackson
    Willy B @willybuchanan
    Witwe Wadman @WitweWadman
    Wojciech @AcidoGato
    Woofenbarkens twin @more_hamhead
    Wyn Tingley @wyntingley
    Yakov Yurovsky @TheNewYurovsky
    Yaseen alazzawi @AboAbanAlazzawi
    Yusef Gills @YusefGills
    Yvette @TheSciBabe
    Zerlina @DonnaAnna
    Zoe Belshaw @ZotVet
    Zoide @elzoider