A while back I wrote to one of the colleges involved but didn't hear back and didn't chase it up. I might have a bit of a think about this...

Greenwich Learns

Hand reflexology


A bit of a miscellany, with some fairly useful 'how to' posts too.
Think of this blog as a sort of nursery for my half-baked ideas hence 'stuff that occurs to me'.
Contact: @JoBrodie Email: jo DOT brodie AT gmail DOT com
Science in London: The 2018/19 scientific society talks in London blog post
Congrats on the job, hope it goes well - it sounds really interesting.
Your list looks pretty good but I was also wondering if you'll have much of an opportunity to do some sort of ethnographic-y / situated thing with the journalists - finding out what their working lives are like and how likely it is that they'll be to be able to take up courses and learning opportunities.
I've no experience of journalism myself so no idea if they'd find it easy to turn up to an evening event (eg Stempra have run at least one after-work stats course run by David Spiegelhalter - it was great) or if it should be a day thing. Or if getting time out of the office is as difficult as it often is for healthcare professionals who might have to rearrange clinics / patient visits etc. Are those webinar type things likely to be useful, or things like Slideshare and even YouTube videos?
Also how is your role viewed among non-specialist journalists? Does everyone think 'thank goodness, someone's doing something practical and useful' or are people a bit miffed at the implications that they're struggling with science and stats etc?
There are a couple of organisations with an interest in the good reporting of health-related science that might be of use. The Patient Information Forum (PiF, http://www.pifonline.org.uk/) is an independent organisation for consumer health professionals. I wrote about an event I attended which they organised, called "Healthy journalism - challenges and solutions" (http://brodiesnotes.blogspot.com/2010/04/healthy-journalism-challenges-and.html), but those are just my rambling thoughts so I wouldn't give too much weight to them ;-)
The other is the AMRC (Association of Medical Research Charities, http://www.amrc.org.uk/home) which is an umbrella organisation for about 100 health charities that fund medical research and support patients. I think all of those
charities will be approached by patients asking about treatments or discussions of their disease mentioned in the newspapers etc. I expect they'll have a particular interest in how the reporting of that sort of thing goes.
This is probably a bit of a crap idea but I was thinking of some sort of online chat / discussion forum, perhaps where people can ask and answer questions, either a regular live-chat thing, or a repository of knowledge built up from previous questions. Something a bit like "I'm a scientist get me out of here" but obviously private. An online 'stats surgery' perhaps. I'm not sure I'm explaining it very clearly!
I also think Trisha Greenhalgh's book 'How to read a paper' is very good (I should probably check and see if it's already listed in your resources) not just for the numerical side of things but for the real world questions that are very useful, such as "was this drug tested in a representative sample?" - the 'reading between the lines' stuff, pointing out what hasn't been made explicit but might be relevant.
Wishing you well,
"Essentially, the idea is to arrange two or more books so that the titles, when read in the order they appear, make sense (or at least coherent nonsense) as a collective. As a form of amusement it can accomodate a variety of approaches: some might think of it as a form of poetry, others primarily as a form of humour. If you have some books, a digital camera, a blog, and the inclination to put them all together, you really should have a go."
Table of Contents 1. Things that have made me laugh so much I couldn't breathe 2. Things that have made me chuckle 3. Context So...