There seems to be a correlation between the number of posts I write on this blog and its visitors / pageviews, apart from an odd blip in December 2016. I don't have a posting schedule, as the title of this blog suggests I literally only post 'Stuff that occurs to me', as and when it occurs. As I blog a lot elsewhere too this site has diminished somewhat.
- Table 1: Blog posts per year, by year (= how many blog posts have I written each year?)
- Fig 1: Blogger's 'all time view' for this site
- Table 2: Blog stats, by month, for 2017 (= how many people visited this blog, per month, this year?)
- Table 3: Annual and lifetime views of this blog (= how many people visited this blog each year and the overall total?)
- Fig 2: Google Analytics 'all time view' for this site
- Fig 3: The most popular posts on this blog, all time, Blogger stats
- Particular features of this blog
- All previous annual stats overview posts, by year
Table 1: Blog posts per year, by year
2009 (45)
2010 (77)
2011 (89)
2012 (141)
2013 (141)
2014 (100)
2015 (50)
2016 (40)
2017 (45)
2018 (30 including this one)
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Fig 1: Blogger stats 'all time view'. All time views as of today is 2,848,382. |
The most interesting thing about the stats for me is always the vast difference between Blogger's pageviews (1st column in Table 1) and Google Analytics' (3rd column in Table 1). This is generally understood to be because Blogger counts every 'hit' including Google's indexing crawlers and not just real people. I've also included the number of people visiting each month (2nd column), to my knowledge Blogger doesn't provide that info. Odd because Blogger 'is' Google. See explanation below for what numbers in brackets or coloured red mean.
Table 2: Blog stats, by month, for 2018
Month | Pageviews (Blogger) | Visitors (Google) | Page views (Google) |
January (3) | 9,959 | 1,990 | 2,289 |
February (2) | 8,697 | 1,775 | 2,028 |
March (2) | 10,934 | 2,339 | 2,733 |
April (3) | 11,060 | 2,220 | 2,536 |
May (4) | 11,185 | 2,151 | 2,483 |
June (2) | 11,527 | 1,847 | 2,143 |
July (3) | 12,195 | 1,826 | 2,144 |
August (1) | 20,363 | 1,540 | 1,846 |
September (3) | 12,277 | 1,395 | 1,635 |
October (2) | 14,039 | 1,438 | 1,694 |
November (2) | 10,156 | 1,212 | 1,404 |
December (3) | 9,423.. | 992.. | 1,109 |
Table 2 info
Figures in brackets next to the month are the number of blog posts published that month.
Figures in red are uncorrected because the month hasn't finished yet, this obviously affects the annual total too.
I briefly switched off this blog in Dec 2016 as I seemed to be getting a suspiciously high number of visits from Russia (I assumed bots) and January is still showing unusually high numbers. You can see the December blip in the all-time view from Blogger above (Fig 1).
Table 3: Annual and lifetime views of this blog
Year | Pageviews (Blogger) | Visitors (Google) | Page views(Google) |
2010 (77) | 23,351 | 9,630* | 18,958* |
2011 (89) | 65,972 | 22,343 | 40,263 |
2012 (141) | 187,506 | 57,040 | 77,869 |
2013 (141) | 553,064 | 136,941 | 164,352 |
2014 (100) | 779,632 | 199,217 | 226,419 |
2015 (50) | 498,355 | 113,129 | 130,115 |
2016 (40) | 379,613 | 66,614 | 77,092 |
2017 (45) | 202,609 | 42,090 | 46,179 |
2018 (29) | 141,815 | 20,725 | 24,044 |
666,762^^ 808,396^^
Table 3 info
Figures in brackets next to the year are the number of blog posts published that year. Latest year is in red because I'm writing this on 31st December so figures are incomplete because day hasn't ended which marginally affects the final totals too.
*I began counting stats on Google Analytics in April 2010. Blogger began its own stats system in July 2010.
^) Count of everything in the column above it (Google Analytics)
^^) lifetime count as given on Google Analytics for whole year (there's a slight disparity)
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Fig 2: Google Analytics 'all time view'. |
Most visited posts for this blog (for all time)
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Fig 3: The most popular posts on this blog, all time, Blogger stats |
Features of my blog to take into account
Or, mitigating circumstances / excuses ;)
- People find my posts almost entirely through search engine results (I don't promote my blog heavily on social media, though I do mention it fairly regularly)
- The most popular posts here are about how to do something, often on Twitter - the answer to people's question(s) can usually be found within the first summary, or tl;dr, paragraph or the title, with the rest of the post containing supplemental information. This means that I have a VERY high bounce rate (91%) - people arrive, see the answer, leave. If this were a sales website that would be disastrous but as a largely 'how to' info blog that's OK.
- My blog is about many different things and therefore unfocused.
- I don't have a regular posting schedule and literally post stuff as it occurs to me, which is appropriate given the name of the blog. Sometimes two posts in a day, sometimes nothing for weeks.
- I have several other blogs including a dedicated 'howto' blog where I post most of my instructional posts. That's on WordPress and in 2017 it had 22,789 visitors making 25,508 views and this year (2018) it had 103,991 visitors making 121,202 views, as of 31 Dec 2018 (149,247 visits in total), I also have one for stuff near Blackheath, one to collect recipes that weren't too disastrou), not to mention work blogs - so I am rather spreading myself thinly and this is reflected in fewer posts here and consquently fewer visits/-ors.
Previous posts about this blog's stats
- Blog stats for this blog (2010)
blog getting around 3,000-4,000 hits per month - as assessed by Blogger (Google Analytics is always much lower) - Blog stats for this blog part two (2011)
around 4,000-8,000 hits per month (Blogger stats) - Blog stats for this blog part three (2012)
8,000-25,000 hits, 32,000 by December (Blogger stats) - Blog stats for this blog part four (2013)
around 40,000 hits per month (Blogger stats) - Blog stats for this blog part 5 (2014)
- Blog stats for this blog part 6 (2015)
- Blog stats for this blog part 7 (2016)
- Blog stats for this blog part 8 (2017)
- Blog stats for this blog part 9 (2018) - this post
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Comment policy: I enthusiastically welcome corrections and I entertain polite disagreement ;) Because of the nature of this blog it attracts a LOT - 5 a day at the moment - of spam comments (I write about spam practices,misleading marketing and unevidenced quackery) and so I'm more likely to post a pasted version of your comment, removing any hyperlinks.
Comments written in ALL CAPS LOCK will be deleted and I won't publish any pro-homeopathy comments, that ship has sailed I'm afraid (it's nonsense).