There are currently 40 companies on the UK Advertising Standards Authority's list of non-compliant online advertisers. This is a list off organisations against whom an adjudication has been upheld regarding their misleading advertising. Companies that fail (or refuse) to amend marketing material are placed tere and some may have additional sanctions applied - this can include removing their page from Google search, adding an ad warning people searching for relevant keywords and referral to Trading Standards for prosecution.
Organisations that do later amend their material can also be removed from the list, so it varies over time and I thought I'd start recording what's on there and look at it again in a couple of months.
As far as I'm aware the ASA tends to delete older adjudications (cleared out every five years I think) - this wouldn't necessarily be done for non-compliant organisations though, but I thought it might be a good idea to record some of this. Also the ASA's page hides most of the info that's lower down and you have to keep clicking 'show more' to get them on the page, so here's the info all on one page.
Watts Marketing Ltd/H2B Windows Ltd
LadyCare Lifetime Limited
LadyCare Lifetime Limited were removed from the list shortly after this post was published, coincidentally around the time that Woman & Home magazine wrote a reasonably favourable article about the product (11 Jan 2019). I emailed the magazine to point out problems with the article and they promptly made some quite strong amendments, highlighting the ASA's original adjudication and including info from Jen Gunter's blog about the lack of evidence of effectiveness. Good work Woman & Home!
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